We provide everything you need to start a proven, effective, community-based
afterschool LIFEPATH social skills program for your school or community

Autism. ADHD. Social Anxiety. Similar Disabilities.

Write your awesome label here.


A lifepath SOCIAL SKILLS CURRICULUM for students
ages 5-18 with 30 lessons
per level


A year-round SERVICE FRAMEWORK that builds skills, increases confidence and decreases anxiety and depression


WRAPAROUND VIRTUAL SERVICE for families  that includes short courses, journey maps, and a post/chat community

S.O.C.I.A.L. Curriculum

Social. Opportunity. Communication. Inclusion. And Learning.

“One of the best in social skills training.
It's been amazing for my son."  Parent of teen participant

We all desire connection and friendship.

Sometimes we need a little help building the skills that make that happen.

Weekly group classes

Weekly in person groups provide direct instruction of skills and facilitated game time with neurodiverse same-age peers

Year-round program

Learning social skills doesn't happen quickly. It's a continual process as the skills we need change according to our  ages and stages

Community outings

Having a group of safe peers and mentors to experience activities and events with builds social confidence and decreases social anxiety
Write your awesome label here.

Wrap around resource for your families

Short DIY Courses
Journey Maps
Chat Community
  • Short 2-3 minute interactive courses
  • Information about things you need to know
  • Access on the web or on the app
  • A strategic path of learning on topics important to you
  • Links to courses and resources you need
  • Visuals reduce overwhelm
  • Looks and works like Facebook!
  • Meet other families on the autism journey
  • Private space with no annoying trolls or ads

$2.99 per month!

Purchase multiple subscriptions
so the families of your students have resources  and support at their fingertips!